How to Maximize Profits with Ads During Amazon Prime Day 2024

April 19, 2024

Perfecting your PPC ad strategy is one of the best ways to maximize profits this Prime Day. Here's how FBA sellers can do it best in five easy steps.

As Prime Day grows closer it’s time to get the final preparations marked off your to-do list. As a professional FBA Seller, you should think about all the tools you can leverage to bring in the most sales on Prime Day!

From optimizing your advertising bids to ordering the right amount of inventory there are many considerations to maximize your profits for Amazon Prime Day 2024.

Why FBA Sellers Need a PPC Ad Strategy For Prime Day

Since its inception, Amazon Prime Day has been a day when Prime customers flock to Amazon to get those incredible once-a-year deals. It’s not your typical Tuesday for FBA sellers – it's a shopping mega-holiday where FBA sellers like yourself can take advantage of the increase in traffic and bring in higher sales for your ecommerce business.

Amazon Prime Day is one of the biggest events of the year for any Amazon seller.

Last year's Prime Day was Amazon's most successful to date, with more than 375 million items sold to Prime-eligible customers across the globe. Millions of online shoppers look to Amazon to buy products on Prime Day as well as the days leading up to and following the event. 

With all of those shoppers and clicks, how can a business like yours grab a piece of the pie and maximize sales?

As an FBA business owner and entrepreneur in 2024, you need to update your marketing strategy for Amazon Prime Day before you can think about making profits for this event. In fact, one of the best ways that FBA sellers can prepare for Prime Day 2024 is to set up their PPC ads for this specific time period when shoppers are looking for the most sought-after items on Amazon.

Now's the time to solidify your ad strategy for Prime Day 2024!

This is why a solid advertising plan for Prime Day will not only help you maximize your store's profits during the big day, but it can also set your Amazon store up for more success throughout the rest of the year.

While our preparing for Prime Day article goes into more detail, we wanted to create a FBA sellers guide that's a little more specific for you guys. Take a look through this blog post (and, take notes) on the best ways to optimize your PPC ads for this sales period so that you can make this Amazon Prime Day the most successful one to date. Ready? Let's go.

This is why a solid advertising plan for Prime Day will not only help you maximize your store's profits during the big day, but it can also set your Amazon store up for more success throughout the rest of the year.

This guide will walk you through ways to optimize your PPC campaigns. Take a look through this blog post (and, take notes) on the best ways to optimize your PPC ads so that you can make this Amazon Prime Day the most successful one to date. Ready? Let's go.

Five Ways to Optimize Your PPC Ads For Amazon Prime Day 2024

Here are five key ways you can maximize your profits by specifically using Amazon PPC ads during Prime Day this year.

1. Don’t Run Out of Budget on the First Day

A simple but important tip for your Prime Day ad strategy. Even though this one may seem like a no-brainer to some, you'd be surprised with how many professional FBA sellers lose out during big sales periods like Amazon Prime Day or Black Friday and Cyber Monday by scheduling their bids too early during the rush. When investing time, money, and management skills, not to mention some much-needed creative thinking into your business, you definitely don't want your PPC ads to run out at 10 a.m. on the first day of Amazon Prime Day. 

When going over your Prime Day ad strategy for 2024, look at the data from the previous year. Then, allocate your marketing budget accordingly so that your Amazon ads don’t disappear from the platform when your key customers are online, ready to buy your products. 

On that note, check your holiday planning calendar every quarter so that you are prepared for any upcoming holidays. Is your Amazon store optimized for Father's Day or for summer product searches?

2. Focus on Your Best Products

Focusing on your best sellers is a better game plan for your Prime Day ad strategy.

Have inventory that isn't moving? Sorry to break it to you, but Prime Day is not the time to try and move it. Amazon's algorithm is set up to maximize sales on the platform, so your underperforming products unfortunately don't have much of a chance to get seen and be featured during one of the biggest sales periods of the year. 

While Prime Day is not the time to focus on your products that are moving slowly, it is the time to capitalize on your best-selling products. Invest your time, effort, and money in your top sellers and watch sales fly in!

3. Create PPC Ads That Are Unique to Your Business

Have inventory that isn't moving? Sorry to break it to you, but Prime Day is not the time to try and move it. Amazon's algorithm is set up to maximize sales on the platform, so your underperforming products unfortunately don't have much of a chance to get seen and be featured during one of the biggest sales periods of the year. 

While Prime Day is not the time to focus on your products that are moving slowly, it is the time to capitalize on your best-selling products. Invest your time, effort, and money in your top sellers and watch sales fly in!

4. Align Your Inventory With Your Ad Strategy

Don't create a winning marketing plan without considering if you have the capacity. Order your inventory well in advance, and make sure it arrives at the Amazon warehouse at least one month in advance of Prime Day. Your inventory must be aligned with your ad strategy to avoid any sudden inventory stockouts. Looking at last year's data can help predict  what kind of inventory you need to have prepared.  

Prime Day is undoubtedly a highly competitive time for sellers, so many e-commerce businesses will be increasing their ad spend by at least 50% during this period. You can increase your marketing spend by that much and more if you plan accordingly and want to stay competitive, but just make sure you have the inventory available.

We helped Legend Cookware find success from Mayan's targeted advertising solutions and the use of advanced reporting tools. Leveraging Mayan’s strategies on Prime Day 2023, Legend Cookware experienced a notable 13x increase in sales, reaching six figures in just one day, and achieving a 20% rise in units sold on the first day compared to the previous year, culminating in an 859% growth during the Prime Day event! Read the full success story here.

5. Your PPC Ads Shouldn't Begin and End on Amazon Prime Days

Use Prime Day as a sales booster!

One last expert tip that we're leaving you with is to take advantage of the days before and after Prime Day. Allocate some of your PPC ad budget for the days surrounding Prime Day when shoppers are still on the hunt for great deals and want to make purchases. 

One reason for this is that there's a possibility that the competition is putting much of their ad spend into Prime Day-specific days, so this tip will also help set your business apart from the others. You can attract those shoppers during the quieter periods when the competition and price for ads isn't so steep and you can still potentially maximize your sales. It's a win-win!

Prime Day Prep

We know that Prime Day and the months leading up to it can be intimidating. Be sure to take advantage of the resources available to help develop your Prime Day strategy. 

Webinars on Demand

Countdown to Prime Day: Scale Your FBA with Brand Positioning and Advertising Tactics

Countdown to Prime Day: Product Selection and Launch Strategies for FBA Growth


Prime Day 2024 FBA Seller’s Guide and Product Predictions

How Amazon Sellers Can Prepare for Amazon Prime Day 2024

How Mayan Can Help Amazon Professional Sellers

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