What You Can Learn from Prime Day 2024

September 6, 2024

Discover why Prime Day 2024 was the most successful sales event of the year yet.

Prime Day 2024 was the biggest in the company's history, with more than 200 million items sold in the two days from independent sellers alone. Any kind of sales growth is going to be good news for FBA sellers, but even after all the sales are done, there's still profit to be made from digging into the rich data set this record-breaking year provided.

No matter how long you have been in the game as a seller, there are some excellent lessons in what we and our clients observed during Prime Day 2024. From reminders of the benefits of advanced planning and preparation to how shoppers are responding to ads and special deals, read on for our big-picture view of Prime Day 2024.

Tech Led the Way During Prime Day 2024

Prime Day is always a popular time to grab deals on tech gadgets ranging from phones to computers, but this year's tech emphasis focused more on the shopping experience than just what people were buying. 

Amazon has made a good deal of noise about the company's new AI-powered shopping assistant, Rufus. In addition, the company reports that the new Inspire feature in the Amazon app saw significant usage during Prime Day.

Though the company has not given a hard figure, it has also reported millions of new Prime members joined in the three weeks preceding Prime Day 2024. Coupled with strong interactions with the company's latest tech methods for connecting customers with products, it appears that the company's tech strategies for attracting shoppers are working.

However, if you are worried about falling behind the tech edge, don't. Ultimately, the things that had the greatest impact for Amazon sellers this year are much more fundamental than understanding an algorithm. Just remember that every piece of technology is being designed with customers' needs in mind. If you know your customers, you are already ahead of the game.

Breaking Down the Ad Spend for Prime Day 2024

Return on investment is the watchword for ad spend. From what our clients have said, it looks like the best performance during Prime Day 2024 came from Lightning Deals. In fact, Lightning Deals even outperformed Prime Exclusive Deals, regardless of the reported growth in membership.

There are a number of factors that could be at play in the better performance of Lightning Deals. A lot of it may simply come down to the sense of urgency created by an offer with a clear expiration date. A shopper may look at a Prime Exclusive Deal and decide to think about it rather than act, and then forget about it when they set down their phone or walk away from the computer.

It's also important to note that this does not mean Prime Exclusive Deals did not perform well. The added exposure still appears to have provided a better return than either coupons or price reductions, with price reductions only outperforming the option of doing nothing at all.

The key to boosting sales with ad spend is always going to be exposure, but the right exposure at the right time and in front of the right shoppers. As we have discussed in many other blogs, there is no replacement for taking the time to investigate who you are selling to. From reading the reviews customers leave to analyzing existing sales data, the better you understand the people buying your products, the better you will understand how to reach them.

Here are a few tips for creating ads and deals that catch shoppers' eyes:

  • Urgency and exclusivity stand out. Lightning Deals and Prime Exclusive Deals lead the way for performance. Use wording and presentation that tells shoppers this is a rare deal they won't see again soon.
  • Visual appeal is more than something shiny. You should already be using high-quality product images that match what you are selling, not something from the previous design phase or that looks like a first-year student's Photoshop efforts. However, visual appeal also means clarity. Your visuals should help customers understand the product and how it fits into their lives. 
  • Don't phone in your ad copy. You don't have to be an expert copywriter or create the next sales phrase that shakes the globe. You do need clear and concise copy that speaks directly to the people who need what you are selling. And don't forget that ads on a phone screen have limited space and attention.
  • Speak to your customers. There are plenty of tips for selling a coffee maker that is not going to do anything to sell a bicycle. When you are creating deals and ads, think about the role your product has in customers' lives.
  • Align with Prime Day themes. Incorporate Prime Day-specific messaging or visuals into your ads and deals. Think about how your products fit into the Prime Day shopping experience, such as if they make great gifts, are helpful upgrades, or are self-care essentials.
  • Test and optimize. Experiment with different ad formats, headlines, visuals, and calls to action. Monitor performance metrics and pay attention to what the data tells you. Never stop learning and never stop evaluating and re-evaluating your strategies.

Take Nothing for Granted When It Comes to Prime Day

In our own testing, we found that even small changes to how and when promotions are run can make a big difference. One successful strategy grew market share for primary keywords in the two months leading up to Prime Day with bigger bids, then reduced the bids during Prime Day. The market share growth from that early spending carried through the event without maintaining it the entire time. As with many other aspects of being an Amazon FBA seller, a little preparation can save a lot in the long run.

Still, your customers are unique and may respond differently to a strategy that worked great for someone else. The important takeaway is to never let yourself become complacent. Keep looking at your data and keep trying new ideas.

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